? ??????????????Live, Love, Laugh? ????? ?? ???Rating: 4.6 (14 Ratings)??7120 Grabs Today. 30674 Total Gra
bs. ??????Preview?? | ??Get the Code?? ?? ???????????????????????????You Have My Heart (New)? ????? ?? ???Rating: 4.5 (30 Ratings)??6077 Grabs Today. 26710 Total Grabs. ??????Preview BLOGGER TEMPLATES AND TWITTER BACKGROUNDS ?

Monday, August 2, 2010

Hati Yang Kau Sakiti
oleh: Rossa

Jangan pernah katakan bahwa cintamu hanyalah untukku
Karena kini kau telah membaginya
Maafkan jika memang kini harus kutinggalkan dirimu
Karena hatiku slalu kau lukai
Tak ada lagi yang bisa ku lakukan tanpamu
Ku hanya bisa mengatakan apa yg kurasa

Ku menangis... membayangkan
Betapa kejamnya dirimu atas diriku
Kau duakan cinta ini
Kau pergi bersamanya

Ku menangis... melepaskan
Kepergian dirimu dari sisi hidupku
Harus slalu kau tahu
Akulah hati yg telah disakiti

Maafkan jika memang kini harus kutinggalkan dirimu
Karena hatiku slalu kau lukai
Tak ada lagi yang bisa ku lakukan tanpamu
Ku hanya bisa mengatakan apa yg kurasa

Ku menangis... membayangkan
Betapa kejamnya dirimu atas diriku
Kau duakan cinta ini
Kau pergi bersamanya

Ku menangis... melepaskan
Kepergian dirimu dari sisi hidupku
Harus slalu kau tahu
Akulah hati yg telah kau sakiti

Ku menangis...
Harus slalu kau tahu
Akulah hati yang telah....
Kau sakiti...

Lirik Ungu

Ungu – Kekasih Gelap

Ku mencintaimu, lebih dari apapun
Meskipun tiada satu orang pun yang tahu
Ku mencintaimu, sedalam-dalam hatiku
Meskipun engkau hanya kekasih gelapku..

Ku tahu ku takkan selalu ada untukmu
Disaat engkau merindukan diriku
Ku tahu ku takkan bisa memberikanmu waktu
Yang panjang dalam hidupku

Yakinlah bahwa engkau adalah cintaku
Yang ku cari selama ini dalam hidupku
Dan hanya padamu ku berikan sisa cintaku
Yang panjang dalam hidupku..

Ku mencintaimu, lebih dari apapun
Meskipun tiada satu orang pun yang tahu
Ku mencintaimu, sedalam-dalam hatiku
Meskipun engkau hanya kekasih gelapku..

Ku mencintaimu, lebih dari apapun
Meskipun tiada satu orang pun yang tahu
Ku mencintaimu, sedalam-dalam hatiku
Meskipun engkau hanya kekasih gelapku..


Ku mencintaimu, lebih dari apapun
Meskipun tiada satu orang pun yang tahu
Ku mencintaimu, sedalam-dalam hatiku
Meskipun engkau hanya kekasih gelapku..

My love STORY~~

I just broke up last two month.but frankly say, i still can't forget him. Maybe this is the 1st time my heart break. I never feel this worse before..n i swear i'll never give in to luv again..Past experience teach me A LOT. if before this i just watched it on tv but it happens real into my life when i found out that the guy that i knew for about 1year and 3months has married end of last year.F**K.that means the first 9 month in relationship is like SAMPAH! IF U'RE IN MY PLACE,WHAT WOULD YOU DO?!it was a family arrangement for business purposes.everything has been arrange when he arrived.FINE!i can consider because he's like " mangsa keadaan" BUT, HE'S MAN!he should has his say!tp tu la sshnye bila hidup slalu diatur oleh org lain.

As someone who once become his gf, i knew him as a nice guy and he do luv me.even his close friend admit that.. But, what he did to me is hard to forgive. I don't get it why he could do this to me. It's hard to believe that its over.Whatever it is, he CHEATED on me.he should regret because i left him.Can u imagine how heart breaking I am??!hati i hancur mcm kena langar trailer..

And because of the guy like him, i stereotype all guys are same who's tend to HURT me. because of him, I HATE long-distance relationship.I HATE guys from kedah & jb (because he's working in jb). And everytime im driving,when i saw persona silver, i feel like i wanna hit that car.it kinda trauma for me. serioushit! He said to me the reason he further master(in uitm,but thanks God its ePJJ) because he's going to do his phD at oversea.away from all the sadness.after all, WTF!!!

Thus, the song that suit me is " kekasih gelapku"" by UNGU.and everytime i sing that song, i'll cry before i finish the song.
While the song from me is " Hati yg Kau Sakiti" by ROSSA.

Friday, July 9, 2010

Bila Kemenangan Spain bertukar Sedih... :{

It supposed to be a good news for me since my fav.Spain had won. However, lain pulak ceritanye. Ok la let me story about the world cup 1st. SPAIN vs GERMANY. Me, Fatin & Nizat were there since 1.30 in the morning. nk "coop" tmpt la katekn..lgpn excited sgt nk tggu 1st kick-off. Kemudian, sedikit demi sedikit org dtg so bertambah la ramai. Actually this is my 2nd time watching world cup @ i-city. The 1st game i watched was the match between Brazil vs Holand (n at that time i support The Dutch la & they'd won yea!) Ok, bck to the 1st story, i think Spain did very well on that morning. As my fav.sentence that i said every time the Spain defenders successfully hold the ball from entering the goal by Germany players, "cantik kn Spain main?!" =)

Mase game tu plk ade la sorg mamat ni jd free commentator. xhbs2 bersuara.dh la kuat.annoying btl.dia xsedar org2 yg dkt dpn ni dok kutuk dia.sabar je lah.rasa nk g sound mamat tu pn ade.mengganggu btl.agaknye prnh kena halau dr kedai mamak kot tu yg dtg tgk kat i-city.haha..1st half tamat.still 0-0.Owh!lupa nk mention dkt sini bahawa me& nizat are Spain supporter while Fatin plk Germany.n she was sitting in the middle. Luckily group2 yg ddk berhmpiran dgn kitorg ok.n i was bringing my F.O.S Spain's recycle bag that i bought last month.hehe..
Lame sgt tggu the 1st goal im started to become more energize.rasanye kalau ade guys dkt sblh yg nk buat gf pn mst cancel kot!haha..nk buat mcm mne dh football crazy!huhu..After lbh kurg minit ke-73 (if im not mistaken) GOAL has been made by Puyol. I'm soooo damn HAPPY! =D

Game pn controlled by Spain.n bila smpai minit ke-90, i get ready nk berdiri & terus melompat!haha!ramai jgk yg FRUST mlm tu sbb support Germany.hahaha!
So, nk dijadikn cerita, lps blk dr i-city tu,kitorg singgah la Petronas nk g toilet.bila msk kete blk fatin suddenly teringat yg dia tertinggal hp dlm toilet. Bila msk blk fon dh xde. So dia pn tnya la this one girl bru msk kete.sbb she was the last person yg msk toilet tu after Fatin. Tapi bila tnya dia ckp xnmpk pn.Mustahil la xnmpk fon tu cuz Fatin ckp dia letak dkt atas tmpt flush.Mungkin kalau flush tu xssh utk guna Fatin xkn terlupa fon dia. Bnde dh nk jd kn..Btl flush tu ssh sikit nk tekan.kena guna 2 blh tgn.So that's why Fatin lupa nk amk fon dia.n the reason dia bwk fon dlm toilet cuz takut if something happen at least she has fon with her.

Bila disoal pmpuan tu kata mungkin org lain yg dh amk n dia suruh misscall.bila i misscall,"sorry, the number u've dial is not available"..cpt gile!Fatin dh merayu dkt dia tp dia xnk mengaku jgk.rasanye pmpuan tu dh pass fon tu dkt bf dia.mst dorg dh berpakat.bila tnya pn bf dia xnmpk mcm org yg xtau pape.tp ape yg kitorg blh buat??xkn nk ugut n suruh trn kete & geladah.Nizat plk blh je ddk dlm kete.bkn nk kuar..xblh diharapkan lgsg!sorry,Nizat..kesian Fatin hilang fon brand NOKIA N73 yg dia dh guna 4 thn parents dia beli. yg dia terkilan cuz her mum bru je ganti bateri baru priced rm100.

So kitorg pn lepak somewhere dlu then Hakim dtg join kitorg. Kena fikir reason ape nk bg dkt parents Fatin & her bf. Lps subuh kitorg grk g McD sek.3 for breakfast & blk tdo..Begitulah ceritanya..

Saturday, March 20, 2010

layout baru

skang nih kat dlm hati mcm ade bunga api tau.. riang gembiranyer..

akhirnye selepas dah bape lama pki layout yg bloger bagi..
skang dah ade pon layout baru yg cantik..
baru la blog ni nmpk fresh..
nak menulis ke membaca ke (mcm dah byk post je) suma boleh kat sini..
maybe folowers pon kene tmbh lagi ni..
isk isk suddenly ade semangat pulak..
so followers yg ade skang ni pon kene la support jugak kan..
kalau kasi komen mesti akan dibalas (sure punyer)..
hari cukup dulu tulis byk ni sbb xsabar nak tgk blog nih lagi puas2...


Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Online journalism is less credible as compared to mainstream media.

What is online journalism? According to Dr.Rahmat Ghazali in his book, “Online Journalism on Malaysian Socio-Political Landscapes”, he scrutinizes it through two separate root words: ‘journalism’ and ‘online’. Journalism could be defined as any non-fiction or documentary narrative that reports or analysis facts and events firmly rooted in time. Reporters, writers, and editors select and arrange such materials to tell a story from a particular point of view through one or more forms of media; audio, video, textual and pictures.

While, ‘online’ is a generic term often used loosely to describe the process of accessing, retrieving or disseminating of digital information (Ward 2003).

In regard to that, the definition of mainstream media is major television networks and newspapers. Most mainstream media outlets are biased right or left but pretend to be neutral (Urban Dictionary).

Is it true that online journalism is less credible as compared to mainstream media? Let me show the current trend between online journalism and mainstream media.

"Online journalism" provides professional reporters the chance to collect many more data points than they can on their own. While, “mainstream media” provide readers an established, popular distribution channel for the information we have and can collect. Not to mention a century of wisdom on sourcing, avoiding libel and narrative storytelling technique. And what happen was our readers don't care about the way the news is reporting. Journalism is journalism, no matter who does it, or where the source comes from. They just want the most complete, accurate and engaging coverage possible. They don't know how we make the sausage, or even who makes it. They just want to eat.

The important of mainstream media is already told yet cannot be denied. Where would blogging be without the mainstream media? Few of us have the resources to cover news the way they do, and even fewer of us have the training and raw talent.

To me, to be called a journalist, mainstream, citizen or otherwise, you have to fulfill some requirements. Real journalism answers who, what, when, where and how. Journalists write in as objective a manner as possible. They provide fair and accurate accounting for both sides of a story. That's not to say they can't write opinion, but I think opinion ought to be labeled as such, just as it is in the newspaper.

However, mainstream media is actually taking a back seat to the un-mainstream these days and it makes you wonder what we really consider to be mainstream. Do we consider the newspaper that we occasionally read mainstream? Or do we think of our favorite blogs, which we check every hour, as mainstream?

There really is no right answer in this situation, but we have to take into account the facts of the matter. The fact is, there are plenty of un-mainstream sites (blogs) that are generating more revenue than entire news organizations.

The only difference as a big picture between blogs and the mainstream press is lack of censorship. So to the extent that bloggers write in such a manner, it's fair to consider online journalism as real journalism. I guess the question is: what is journalism, and do we value the concept?

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

kejar2 bola...

fabregas mesti score satu nnt... at least la... klu sepuluh gol pon bagus jugak...

hari tu arsenal kalah...
lawan dengan MU pulak tuh...
memeang frust gle tambah2 pulak arsenal main mmg teruk...
dpt gol satu pon kire bonus la...
so bg suma big fan arsenal mmg terasa down la....
klu sape xsedih tu teruk la...
pelik kenapa la si wenger tu xnak revenge ms kalah kat old trafford hr tu..
kalah pulak kat tmpt sndr...
owh sakitnye hati...
lps ni nak lawan ngan chelsea pulak...
hopefully xde la arsenal main mcm hr tu lagi...
arsenal mesti mau bangkit....
klu x nnt kat FB mesti melambak-lambak komen yg memeritkan utk dibaca...

xde tajuk?

selalu jalan2 tgk blog orang lain..,
teringin jugak rasanye nak ade followers ramai2...
rasa mcm glamor gitu klu ade followers ramai2...
skarang baru ade 3 org followers including myself...
owh betapa x glamor nyer blogger yg still green like me...
post pon masih x seberapa....
ade sket je baru....
nnt kalau dah ade byk2 post baru la boleh promote this blog kat org lain..
kene usaha lebh lagi...
ganbate kudasai!!

Tuesday, January 26, 2010


page yg xsemak sangat kan?

semua orang ade Facebook.
zaman kedilaan bermain FB.
kononnya sebab ade mcm2 application la, boleh add kawan2 lame from old skool,
i have my own Fb jugak.
tp rasa nye x gila sangat macam orang lain kot?
u jugde la by yourself.
wink ;)

1st entry

boleh jd pro ke?

mula2 memang xtau nak tulis banyak2 sbb ni baru 1st entry.
so nak complete kan dulu blog ni kene tulis mcm2.
then kene selalu wat2 search kat google supaya nanti suggestion utk blog nih boleh naik.
ini petua ade kwn yang bagi.
sbb blog dia ade 13,600 suggestion kat google.
xbusuk sangat kan tactic mcm tu?

now officially boleh jadi blogger lan kan?