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Monday, August 2, 2010

My love STORY~~

I just broke up last two month.but frankly say, i still can't forget him. Maybe this is the 1st time my heart break. I never feel this worse before..n i swear i'll never give in to luv again..Past experience teach me A LOT. if before this i just watched it on tv but it happens real into my life when i found out that the guy that i knew for about 1year and 3months has married end of last year.F**K.that means the first 9 month in relationship is like SAMPAH! IF U'RE IN MY PLACE,WHAT WOULD YOU DO?!it was a family arrangement for business purposes.everything has been arrange when he arrived.FINE!i can consider because he's like " mangsa keadaan" BUT, HE'S MAN!he should has his say!tp tu la sshnye bila hidup slalu diatur oleh org lain.

As someone who once become his gf, i knew him as a nice guy and he do luv me.even his close friend admit that.. But, what he did to me is hard to forgive. I don't get it why he could do this to me. It's hard to believe that its over.Whatever it is, he CHEATED on me.he should regret because i left him.Can u imagine how heart breaking I am??!hati i hancur mcm kena langar trailer..

And because of the guy like him, i stereotype all guys are same who's tend to HURT me. because of him, I HATE long-distance relationship.I HATE guys from kedah & jb (because he's working in jb). And everytime im driving,when i saw persona silver, i feel like i wanna hit that car.it kinda trauma for me. serioushit! He said to me the reason he further master(in uitm,but thanks God its ePJJ) because he's going to do his phD at oversea.away from all the sadness.after all, WTF!!!

Thus, the song that suit me is " kekasih gelapku"" by UNGU.and everytime i sing that song, i'll cry before i finish the song.
While the song from me is " Hati yg Kau Sakiti" by ROSSA.